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Can you call them a guy an expert if s/he has the skill-o man!

In this online world; anyone can claim anything. Like I claimed above that – I know all of them and I am an experienced SEO specialist who is very knowledgeable.

But who will evaluate me?

Well, your common sense and gut feeling. And if you are very well, then people will talk about you. 🙂

Besides SEO, I have also worked with Google Adwords & PPC campaigns on Social Media Websites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Pinterest. I recently offered some individuals (famous) an ORM (Online Reputation Management) services and CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) services to some large websites who sell products and SaaS as well.  Though I will not claim myself an Expert in the PPC field yet, but I think there are always scopes for improvement and take my Internet Marketing knowledge to the next level.sets mentioned above?

How Do You Claim You Are an SEO Expert?

When you know you are good enough to compete with anybody in your industry; you can call yourself an expert.
To me, an expert is not just a word. In order to become an expert; one must have to have some years of working experience, accomplishing given tasks like a pro and handling industry-related projects with top-notch knowledge.

As I have been so long in the SEO industry, created numerous websites and ranked them; I can call myself an SEO expert. And when you talk about the ranking of experts in Bangladesh; I can claim a spot somewhere in the list.

It is worth mentioning that – SEO is an ever-changing industry. Google updates its algorithm almost every single day. If you are not updated with what’s been happening in the SEO industry; you will stay behind from other experts. And it’s such a vast industry that, no one can actually adopt all the offerings from every single arena of it.

There are always scopes to improve yourself, learning, testing, and implementing is what makes you perfect and expert. And I am doing so, so that I can feel confident on all the projects I do for my clients (On Behalf of My Agency – which I postponed) and the websites I build to make money online (Especially Google Adsense and Amazon Affiliate Blogs).

Hence, at least, I pretend to be an expert so that I feel confident. 🙂

Besides SEO, What You Love Doing?

I love watching movies, traveling often and gathering with friends and families. Now, these days, I love spending time with my two lil babies.

What You Would Have Been; If Not an SEO?

Everyone has their dream. But, unfortunately, i couldn’t figure out anything that I would be when I was a child. I thought a lot. But I couldn’t figure out anything at all. But, as I am a Textile Engineer; I might have spent my life in finding out the right color for the right fabrics and stumbling upon new color swatches for new clients under any boring bosses.

Beside SEO, What Makes You More Money?

Whatever I do online; somehow are relevant to SEO. Suppose, I am blogging and earning from Google Adsense and where traffic takes a crucial part and it involves SEO. I do affiliate marketing where SEO is a must. I make static apps on Android and there’s I apply ASO (App Store Optimization) which is kind of SEO as well. So, my online life is fully based upon SEO.

What If SEO is Die? And What You Would Do Then?

SEO will die, only when Google will hire 3.5 Billion Search Engines Raters on all over the world for every possible language. Because, according to InternetLiveStats, 3.5 Billion of searches are happening on Google per day. SEO will never die if the search engines stay as Robots and the result pages come up based on some algorithms.

You know, a huge number of websites are being developed at every minute. Surprisingly most of them are not optimized. I mean, most of the websites are not crawler/google robot friendly and that is why Google faces a hard time to crawl them and index them to their database. As an SEO, we optimize the sites so that Google and other search engines can easily find those websites and their content to show the people who search on the Google Search Engine box.

We the SEO experts are not the enemy of Search Engines; rather we are helping the search engines to find the most relevant and better quality content for the searchers.
In essence, SEO will never die till the time when no un-optimized websites are built. And you think it will happen any day in the future? Nope!

But still, let’s say SEO has died. I will ask Sergey Brin or Larry Page over email that, whether they have any vacancy on their own SEO team. 😛 LOL.

Do You Personally Provide any SEO Services in Bangladesh?

No, I don’t. I used to provide SEO services to not only Bangladeshi clients but also brands and companies from all over the world. But I am no longer providing any services as I feel like working for me and this is what I really love.

The client SEO is surely a good cash-flow for any SEO experts I know, but this is frankly I literally hate the most. So, search for other experts (there’s a ton of them if you search on Google) and hire one if they meet your criteria and I am sorry that I can’t help you in this regard.

Do You Run Any Internet Marketing Agencies?

I ran a Digital Marketing agency headquartered in Dhaka named LateNightBirds. I was providing Holistic SEO & Technical SEO services for some specific industries (Note that I don’t provide services to everybody and to every company out there). To know more about my agency (now turned to be an IM blog), then Google “LateNightBirds” and you will find me there.
I share all the SEO & search engine algorithm updates and know-how in that blog which you can check as well. I share different SEO tests and publish updates about industry news which will definitely help you become a knowledgable SEO not only in Bangladesh but anywhere in this world, only if that matters. 🙂

How Can I Learn From You?

Just check my SEO training page here and then register yourself. This is probably the very first Online Membership Site in Bangladesh where you will get updated and trendy SEO videos weekly and monthly. Even, a step-by-step guideline for doing SEO for a niche site and authority site is already given on that course.
That is a lifetime membership and you will get lifetime SEO support from me over Skype, Mobile Phone, and Facebook Group.

Do You Have Any SEO Consulting Package?

I used to have one. But from the beginning of last year, I stopped providing SEO Consultancy completely to focus more on my Content Publishing Business (Blogging).

How To Become An SEO Specialist If I Just Speak in Bengali?

You don’t have to be native English-speaking personnel to become an expert in SEO. Just follow all of my videos from my YouTube Channel or read all the blogs of this samimseo.blogspot.com and you are good to start your career. There are plenty of Bengali blogging platforms like Projuktigeek, bn.nshamim.com, somewhere in blog, tech tunes where you will get a lot of articles about SEO and Digital Marketing. Just keep reading them and take notes. If you are running any Online Business; then learning SEO by yourself would be a great investment for yourself for the time being.

Do You Teach The Digital Marketing & Social Media Marketing?

Digital Marketing is a very broad topic and includes SEO, PPC, Social Media, Content Marketing, and so on. I solely focus on SEO and don’t try to mark my foot on other platforms as sticking with just one platform earns you the expertise and specialties you are looking for!

Why You Need To Hire an SEO Expert In Your Business?

If you ask me this question – I would say, SEO is the only channel to get maximum organic traffic from Google and other search engines. SEO help a business website get the right kind of Schema, they produce awesome content than all the competitors, they strive to build a trust signal towards the visitors and the search engines; and all of those combine a traffic boost for your Website. 

What SEO Packages You Would Suggest For A Startup or Established Businesses/Enterprises?

There are a lot of SEO Companies in Bangladesh that come with different SEO Packages with different price limits. You should always look for an SEO Company that provides holistic Seach Engine Optimization packages including robust Keyword Research, Content Improvement, and Link Building or Outreach (in white hat way) packages. Look for their success online in the digital marketing space and how well they contributed to the community as an SEO Team before hiring one. 

Where Would I Find SEO Experts Online?

You can go to freelancing marketplaces like Upwork, Fiverr and Freelancer to hire an SEO Expert if you have less budget. But if you are a company and own a very large website (like e-commerce), you can look for local Bangladeshi SEO service providers and individual SEO consultants if you have an in-house SEO or Online Marketing team already. A simple Google search can help you will that. 

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